History Of Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is located in India, also one of the seven wonders of the world for the reasons more than just looking magnificent. The Taj Mahal built by a Mughal emperor names Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz. They married in 1612 and had seven children.  In 1628 Shah Jahan become the Moghal Emperor. After three years later his beloved wife died shortly after child birth. In 1632 Shah Jahan start the project of Taj Mahal.

The Taj Mahal is located in the bank of the Yamuna River. Masons, stone cutters,in layers,carvers, painters, calligraphers and others  requisitioned from hole of the empire and also from Asia and Iran, and it took approximately 22 years to complete constructions with estimated 20,000 workers. The building surrounded by 138 ft., minarets and sits on a 315 ft square marble platform. The building is build in an Islamic style of architecture. After an expenditure of approximately 32 million rupees , Taj mahal was finally completed in the year 1653.

Next to her tomb, is the tomb for Shaj Jahan . The bodies of the two are buries in a crypt below the building.The entire plan of the Taj Mahal is symmetrical, with one exception. Symmetrical means that one side of the building could mirror the other side if cut down the middle.

After completion of the Taj Mahal the Shah Jahan was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb and was put under house arrest near by  Agra Fort. He wanted  to be buried at the Taj Mahal with with Mumtaz.His family honored his dying wish and Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal now feel love symbol at the Taj Mahal.         

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