Exercise to Health

Exercise and benefits

How you feel  about you, you know exercise is good for you. If you are not a serious exerciser and you just want to workout for your health or to fit in your clothes better. Want to feel better have nore energy and even add years to your life… Just start exercise

1.   Exercise boost energy
Exercise can improve energy levels by strenthening the circulation and the heart muscle, and
In return will improve energy levels. Scientists have concluded that one of the best ways to
Beat fatigue and boost energy is to exercise more, not less.Exercise is a great way to improve energy levels.When your body becomes more active internal
Mechanism like metabolism and blood flow increase. Its like your walking your body up from the inside. Once your metabolism increase to keep up with the demand of work , you have to refuel
The healthy foods that  in turn provide more energy. Keeping your body active is the best way to
Stay alet and energetic.

2.   Exercise controls your weight
You have burn more colories than you eat and drink to lose weight. For weight loss it really matters that you cut back on the colories that you eat and drink. That matters most for
Talking the pounds off to the CDC.
Your goal is work upto half an hour most days of the week to get the full benefits  from exercise.
If its more convinient, you can do spurts 10 minutes here , 15 minutes there, each action by itself may not seem like much, but they addup.      

3.   Exercise fights agains diseases
What your current weight , beeng active boost high density lipoprotien or good colesterol  and
Decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two puncch keeps your blood flowing smoothly,
Which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Regular exercise helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stoke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression a number of types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

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